Senin, 15 Maret 2010

"Come with me if you want to blog": Terminator week on The Agitation of the Mind

Colleague (incredulously): You’ve not seen ‘Terminator Salvation’?

Me: No. Missed it when it was at the cinema. Didn’t know if it was worth shelling for on DVD.

Colleague: But you’ve not seen ‘Terminator Salvation’!

At this point in the conversation, yours truly reflects on whether colleague’s aghast response isn’t perhaps a little excessive. After all, it’s not like I’m admitting to having never seen ‘Citizen Kane’, ‘Jules et Jim’, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ or ‘The Godfather’*.

Yours truly’s response is carefully considered.

Me: You know what? I’ve never seen ‘Rise of the Machines’, either.

Colleague (spluttering): But you’ve only seen half of the ‘Terminator’ saga.

(Yeah, he called it that. An honest to God saga.) Which is why I now have a plastic bag containing the entire, ahem, saga on DVD sitting on my desk. I rather think that in renewing my acquaintance with ‘The Terminator’ and ‘Terminator 2: Judgement Day’, my conviction that I’ve seen the good half of the saga will be strengthened. Let’s face it, we’re talking two films by James Cameron, followed by un film de Jonathon Mostow followed by something directed by a man with one name that’s not even a proper fucking name to boot (I mean, McG; yeah, right, like there’s Scottish clan called the McGs; I think fucking not) who directed the ‘Charlie’s Angels’ movies.

But hey ho, for the sake of fairness, completism and the fact that it’ll give me something to blog about other than Operation 101010 picks, I’ll blast through all four of them this week and post reviews, one a night, from tomorrow.

*For the record, I have seen these particular movies. Confidentially, I find ‘Citizen Kane’ a tad overrated.

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